Adina Akbik

Senior Assistant Professor of European Politics


While my research interests have always centered on European Union (EU) politics, I am trained in policy studies and political science more generally. My teaching experience includes both undergraduate and graduate courses in different international environments – at the Central European University, Bard College Berlin, the Hertie School, and Leiden University. So far, I have designed and delivered mandatory and elective courses on a wide range of topics, e.g. EU integration and decision-making, introductions to policy analysis and comparative politics, policy evaluation, public sector ethics, or participatory approaches to governance. Pedagogically, I subscribe to principles of experiential and inquiry-based learning, facilitated through interactive lectures and small-group seminar discussions.

In 2024, I received the first-ever Political Science Teaching Award at Leiden University. Created by student members of the Bachelor's and Master's Programme Committees (OLC), the award recognizes remarkable teaching at the Institute of Political Science. You can read more about the award here.
Teaching Qualifications
2023: University Teaching Qualification for Dutch academia (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, BKO). Courses completed at Leiden University:
- Supervising thesis students (Fall 2021)
-Testing and assessment (Fall 2022)
- Exemptions for 3 courses granted based on previous certificate 
- Complete portfolio accepted in January 2023. 
2016: Pedagogical Certificate – Center for Teaching and Learning Program for Excellence in Teaching in Higher Education for Doctoral Students, Central European University, Courses taken:
- Foundations in Teaching in Higher Education: Scholarship, Reflection and Innovation (Fall 2013)
-Teaching Strategies for Critical Thinking and Writing (Winter 2014)
- Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning Strategies (Winter 2015)
- Starting your Teaching Portfolio (Spring 2016)
Taught courses:
Since 2021: (Senior) Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Science, Leiden University:
  • The European Union in Crisis: Challenges, Compromises, Results (Bachelor project seminar, Blocks III & IV);
  • Politics of the European Union (BA core lecture, Block IV);
  • Policy Evaluation in National and International Contexts (MA core seminar, Block III);
  • Parties, Parliaments, and Democracy: Challenges of the 21st Century (MA thesis supervision, Blocks III & IV 2022).
2018-2020: Lecturer, Hertie School, Berlin, teaching for the Master of Public Policy/Master of International Affairs: 
  • Democratic Innovations and Participatory Governance (elective, Spring & Fall Terms 2019);
  • Public Sector Ethics (elective, Fall Term 2018).
2016-2017: Course Instructor, Bard College Berlin, teaching for the BA program in Economics, Politics, and Social Thought: 
  • Systems of Power: Foundations of Comparative Politics (mandatory course, Fall & Spring Terms); 
  • Participation, Deliberation, and Democracy: Policy Analysis and Engagement (mandatory course, Fall Term); 
  • Crisis Governance in the European Union (elective, Spring Term).
2013-2016: Teaching Assistant, Central European University, Budapest, teaching for the MA programs:
  • Public Management (mandatory course, Winter 2016)
  • Jean Monnet Module in European Integration (elective course, Winter 2015)
  • Ethics and Public Policy (mandatory course, Fall 2013)
2013: Course Instructor, Central European University, Budapest
  • Introduction to Public Policy (BA course, elective for the Roma Access Program).
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