Adina Akbik

Senior Assistant Professor of European Politics

EU Agencies in Policy Implementation

Christian Freudlsperger, ETH Zurich
Marta Migliorati, University of Malta

This is an ongoing collaborative project on the recent rise of EU agencies with operational capacities and the increasing significance of the phenomenon for European integration. While the project is theoretically driven by transformations of sovereignty in the EU, we also identify potential problems faced by operational agencies in multi-level implementation.


Differentiated participation, uniform procedures: EU agencies in direct policy implementation

Adina Akbik, Christian Freudlsperger, Marta Migliorati

West European Politics, 2023

Opening Pandora’s Box? Joint Sovereignty and the Rise of EU Agencies with Operational Tasks

Christian Freudlsperger, Adina Maricut‐Akbik, Marta Migliorati

Comparative Political Studies, 2022

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