Adina Akbik

Associate Professor of European Politics


Accountability in EU economic governance (2017-2021)

European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant 2016
Principal Investigator: Mark Dawson, Hertie School of Governance
Amount: 1,5 million euros
Duration: 2017-2021

While the euro crisis has had a transformative effect on the functional ambitions of the EU, it has also transformed the ways in which citizens can hold the EU institutions accountable. In the area of economic governance, the EU has created a significant new body of fiscal rules, managed largely by executive institutions. The nature of these rules, and the institutions entrusted to manage them, challenge our existing scientific understanding of accountability, creating considerable confusion as to how economic decision making in an EU context can be properly scrutinized. 
LEVIATHAN was devoted to addressing the EU’s 'post-crisis' accountability challenge in economic governance. Adina was a postdoc on this project in charge of a full work package which examined political accountability though the European Parliament.

Her work package examined the role of EU executive bodies in post-crisis economic governance and the extent to which their decision-making was subject to accountability mechanisms. The focus was on the empowerment and corresponding creation of accountability relationships for both supranational and intergovernmental institutions: the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Commission, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), and the Eurogroup. The analysis centred on the functioning of two key reforms introduced during the crisis – the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) as the system of banking supervision in the euro area and the European Semester as the framework for economic policy coordination of all EU member states. 


Accountability in the EU 's para‐regulatory state: The case of the Economic and Monetary Union

Mark Dawson, Adina Maricut‐Akbik

Regulation & Governance, 2023

Procedural vs substantive accountability in EMU governance: between payoffs and trade-offs

Mark Dawson, Adina Maricut‐Akbik

Journal of European Public Policy, 2021

Reconciling Independence and Accountability at the European Central Bank: The False Promise of Proceduralism

Mark Dawson, Adina Maricut‐Akbik, Ana Bobić

European Law Journal, 2019

Holding the Supervisor to Account: The European Parliament and the European Central Bank in Banking Supervision

Adina Maricut-Akbik

Jacque Delors Institute Berlin/Bertelsmann Stiftung, Policy Paper 19 November , 2018

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